To Travel is to Live” – Hans Christian Andersen


Hi guys! My name is Lina Kawas and I am a passionate traveller and photographer having travelled for over 15 years to more than 65 countries!

Welcome to my blog where I share my travel stories, useful tips and my photography from all over the world. I want you to find some inspiration in exploring amazing places and seeing animals where they the wild!


Why the interest in nature and wildlife?

I was born and raised in the beautiful capital city of Austria: Vienna and even though the city has a lot to offer, especially culture-wise there was one thing missing...the ocean! I have always been fascinated by the ocean, marine mammals and beautiful coast lines. 

How do I afford to travel?

I have been broke more than once in my life, but having a passion means finding a way to keep going. I have lived and worked in several countries with student visas or work and travel visas, have worked on cruise ships and usually travel low budget. 

My favorite destinations

You want to know what my all time favorites are after having travelled for so long? Go ahead and have a look:

lone cone.jpg

Tofino, Canada

A gateway to BC's most stunning nature.



It has always been my dream to visit the frozen continent.